วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564



Coffee, the national drink Vietnam

Coffee is a beverage made from the beans obtained from the coffee plant. Also known as roasted coffee beans, coffee plants are grown in more than 70 countries around the world. Green coffee (coffee, which has not yet been

Through roasting) is one of the most widely traded agricultural products in the world. Coffee contains caffeine. Making it have energy properties in humans today

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world



Coffee, the national drink Vietnam Coffee is a beverage made from the beans obtained from the coffee plant. Also known as roasted coffee beans, coffee plants are grown in more than 70 countries around the world. Green coffee (coffee, which has not yet been Through roasting) is one of the most widely traded agricultural products in the world. Coffee contains caffeine. Making it have energy properties in humans today Coffee is the most popular drink in the world



Te Chee, the national drink Singapore

Hot milk tea, or as Singaporeans call Tezi, is a popular drink here. You can say that you can taste it at all food centers. Dei Si is a rich hot tea with milk and sugar. Singaporeans often come to sit and dine at the street food court. Like the coffee council in the provinces of Thailand



Mango Smoothie National drink Philippines Mango juice blended mango juice “mango” besides being a delicious fruit It is also a fruit that is high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, and is currently being studied in laboratories. Discovered that mangoes may help prevent Or destroy colon and breast cancer cells for the benefit of the mango



 Roselle juice Myanmar's national drink

Roselle juice Roselle juice “The heroine of the herb that helps reduce excess fat. From scientific studies Found in okra

Antioxidants like "Anthocyanins" in large quantities, the same substances found in blueberries, cherries and cranberries



Malaysia's national tea drink

Tea Chak (Tea) Drinking tea is very important and delicate. Linked to human traditions and cultures from different races around the world, in Asia, the tea ceremony is a long-standing sacred ceremony.



Yanang water, the national drink of Laos

Yanang water, familiar and familiar herbs It has now become a popular herb. That has balancing properties in the body Because it is a herb that has a cooling effect and is a complement.

Roflls, fresh from nature Yanang leaves and juice from the leaves are also high in calcium and vitamin C such as A, B1, B2 and beta-carotene, ancient people believed that the roots of the vine.



Orange juice, national drink Indonesia

Orange juice is the juice extracted from the orange fruit as its name suggests. It is a very popular fruit juice. Because it is easy to prepare And provide nutritional value Especially high in vitamin C



The national drink
The national drink Cambodia

Aoyang or Iced Black Coffee is made from coffee mixed with syrup and then added ice. Has a bitter and sweet taste Add a lot of freshness
Aoyang or Iced Black Coffee is made from coffee mixed with syrup and then added ice. Has a bitter and sweet taste Add a lot of freshness



. Taeo, the national drink of Brunei

Taeo is a type of tea in Brunei. It is a very fragrant tea. People tend to like to drink this kind of tea in the morning. To add freshness to the body


  10 Coffee, the national drink Vietnam Coffee is a beverage made from the beans obtained from the coffee plant. Also known as roasted coff...